更新到2.7版本后,需要将插件重新启用(禁用再启用),否则会有个php warning提示。
- 增加dplayer播放器配置功能;
- 修复某些可以下载视频,但加载失败的问题;
下载地址:https://wordpress.org/plugins/mine-video/ 欢迎使用。 DPlayer配置功能采用json格式,注释不可直接复制到配置中,如下:
"autoplay":"false" /*自动播放 true false*/
,"theme":"#b7daff" /*播放器背景颜色*/
,"logo":"https://www.zwtt8.com/wp-content/plugins/mine-video/images/logo.png" /*播放器Logo*/
,"loop":"true" /*循环播放 true false*/
,"lang":"zh-cn" /*values: 'en', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw'*/
,"hotkey":"true" /*enable hotkey, support FF, FR, volume control, play & pause*/
,"preload":"auto" /*values: 'none', 'metadata', 'auto'*/
,"volume":"0.7" /*default volume, notice that player will remember user setting, default volume will not work after user set volume themselves*/
,"contextmenu":"[{text: 'custom link',link: 'https://www.zwtt8.com/'},{text: 'mine video player',link: 'https://www.zwtt8.com/'}]" /*custom contextmenu*/
,"mutex":"true" /*prevent to play multiple player at the same time, pause other players when this player start play*/